Sunday, February 15, 2009

St. Paul Art Crawl, Fox 9 News Interview, TPT

This spring will be very busy for Lintu Art!
I'll be showing work for the first time at the St. Paul Art Crawl! I'll be in the newly renovated Hamm Brewery building in studio 207 with my friends from Alsadu ( The St. Paul Art Crawl is Friday April 24, 6-10 pm - Sat April 25, 12-8 pm - Sun April 26, noon-5 pm.

I'm scheduled to be interviewed by Fox 9 News about the show I'm putting together to benefit A Rotta Love Plus. The show, Deviant Art: Dispelling Myths, is meant to be an opportunity for dialog about the "deviant" dog breeds. Work that will be presented at the show highlights the positive aspects of rottweilers, American pit bulls, and other breeds while also touching on the mishandling, misconception, and misunderstanding. Deviant Art: Dispelling Myths is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th from 4:00-9:00pm in the third floor gallery of the Northrup King Building.

Last fall I was filmed in a series called Legacy Letters by 1000 Friends of Minnesota. Here is the link to the YouTube video:
The video is about my time as the manager at Cedar Summit Farm in New Prague, MN. How fun!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Call for Pet Models!

Calling all dogs, cats, gerbils, and other pets!
Do you have what it takes to be a pet model? When you catch a glimpse of yourself in the water bowl do you think, "Marley has nothing on me!" Then I need photos of you to create drawings to be displayed at my studio and other venues!

I was recently invited to display work at a vet clinic and I am looking for digital images of pets to create work for this display. The photo can be of the pet by him or herself or with people. Please have the photo in focus and photos that are close-up have more detail, allowing me to capture more personality.

Please email


NEMAA Co-Captain and Uptown Association Intern

Along with Debbie, the building manager, I am the Northrup King Building representative for NEMAA (Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association) for this year. I've been able to meet many artists in the building by being the co-captain (handing out flyers to each studio will do that!). I hope I'm able to help answer and direct questions from both NEMAA and the artists in the building.

I've also been selected to intern with the Uptown Association to help plan various events including the Uptown Art Fair in August. I'm very excited to be involved with this organization and I am expecting to learn a lot about the Uptown area and what it takes to organize a huge event like the Uptown Art Fair.