Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Thursday and Lintu Art Party!

Tonight is October's First Thursday and who would have known the weather would be so warm? Studio 390 in Northrup King, my space, will be open tonight while I prepare the room for tomorrow's Gallery/Studio party. I really love throwing parties although I'm not the best at them. All of the little treats, decorations, and invites are so fun. I wish I knew all of the secrets for making tasty finger food. I wish I had a knack for knowing what music to play and had a voice loud enough to be heard over it. I do what I can with what I am able to do and the support I'm feeling from everyone makes it all worth it. Thank you to all of those that can join me either tonight or tomorrow! More details at (unless the new website is up...then I'm not sure what the link to the events page will be...just check out