Monday, June 29, 2009

Lake of the Isles and poster series update

Hello! Thank you everyone from Lake of the Isles for coming out on a slightly rainy day for a great photo shoot. Lake of the Isles will be the third installment for the 2009 Dogs Around the Lakes poster series and it is shaping up to be a fantastic addition! The unveiling party is scheduled for July 19th at 11am. Treats for people and pups will be provided. If you're interested in attending, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.
In case of rain the poster unveiling will be rescheduled for Thursday, August 6th at 6pm at my studio in Northrup King Building ( for info).

Every first Thursday of the month (such as August 6th) the Northrup King Building hosts an open studio evening from 5 pm to 9 pm. My studio, located on the third floor, is open during these Thursdays and you are welcome to visit!

The 2009 Lake Harriet and Lake Calhoun posters will be posted to my website gallery very soon! My web guru has been out of town, I apologize for the delay! If you are interested in purchasing a poster of either of these lakes I encourage you to consider putting a down payment to hold one. Twenty dollars will guarantee that you will receive a poster. The 2008 Harriet poster sold out and this year's posters are on the same track! I print twenty posters for each lake and each poster is numbered and signed. I've been asked to think of a way for the dog's to sign the posters...I'm still brainstorming! Thank you!
